Before walking or sitting any pet we like to have a free consultation with the owners that will last for about thirty minutes. The main purpose for this is for you to meet us and ask any questions you might have and for us to meet you and your pet. Together we can then decide what best suits the needs of the both of you!
The group walks last a minimum of one hour in the park and only under extreme weather circumstances will a walk be cut short or canceled. Upon cancellation, we offer pee breaks for all our clients. These circumstances will be discussed further during the consultation.
For dogs that enjoy leisurely walks around the neighbourhood, private walks are an excellent option. We pick your dog up from your home for a pleasant 30-minute leashed walk around your community. Your dog is then returned, wiped down, and left in an area of your choosing. Food and water is refilled and a personalized journal is left to let you know we were there and how the walk went.
All pee breaks, puppy visits and cat sitting visits last 15 to 20 minutes and may include feeding, giving medications, or other special requests. We're very flexible and willing to work with you to suit your pet's specific needs.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see how much fun your dog and his friends are having with us!
Need more information or would like to schedule a free consultation? Call or email us and we'll respond right away!
125 Fireside Place
Cochrane, Alberta, T4C 0R4
+1 403 630 5688